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3 Signs of Emotional Intelligence

Psychology Today defines emotional intelligence as “is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.” The term was introduced in 1995 by psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman. The idea has led us to believe that this ability to understand and manage emotions greatly increases our chances of success. It now influences the way people think about our emotions and human behavior. But, how do we recognize emotional intelligence in normal, everyday life? Justin Bariso, the founder of Insight, recently identified actions that demonstrate emotional intelligence.

You Think About Feelings

Self and social awareness are large parts of emotional intelligence. Recognizing your emotions, and those of others, and their impact is the general idea behind emotional intelligence. Self and social awareness begin with reflection, and asking yourself questions. Consider, what are your emotional strengths? What are your weaknesses? Also ask yourself how and why your current mood might affect your thoughts and decisions. Consider others’ thoughts and feelings. What is going on behind the scenes that might influence their reactions?

You Benefit from Criticism

Nobody enjoys negativity. But, criticism is a chance to learn and grow. Negative feedback might not always be delivered in the best way, but it is your decision of how to respond. Try to keep your emotions in check and ask yourself a couple questions. First, if this criticism is unfounded, ask yourself what the other person might be thinking. Second, consider how this feedback might make you better.

You Are Authentic

Being authentic doesn’t mean you have to share all of the details of your life to everyone. But, if you are authentic you should say what you mean. Being authentic means you stick to your values and principles, no matter the situation. This means people know what to expect from you, they know they can depend on you and your opinion. This isn’t to say that authenticity is accepted by everyone. There will be some who do not appreciate you sharing your thoughts. But, most of the time the people who matter will welcome your feedback.

Click here to view the original article, published on Inc.

Ed McCusker